Working with Smartlink: how it works and gets your profit

what is smartlink

Is working with a smartlink as beneficial as they say? When should you use a smartlink and when – a direct link? How does smartlink optimization work?

How much money do you need for tests? Today the Zeydoo team will answer all the questions concerning the Smartlink technology that worry every media buyer. We’ll see how you can start earning with it now without stressing out.

Smartlink is a technology that works together with TDS and helps find (in a matter of seconds) the most appealing offer to the user based on the info about their device, country, type of connection, preferences and other parameters.

Smartlink can include hundreds of offers with thousands of landing pages. And the more you have in a smartlink, the more money you will need on tests. However, in the long term it will be worth it – the technology is constantly learning and converts a user with maximum efficiency.

You just need to add a universal link to your ad campaigns. After a user clicks on it, the Smartlink will suggest the best possible offer based on the info it has about the user.

The smartlink analyzes the following parameters of each user:

  • GEO;
  • device used: desktop, smartphone, tablet; 
  • OS: Windows, Android, iOS;
  • type of connection: Wifi or mobile data;
  • mobile operator;
  • cookies (user’s interests).

Once a user clicks on the link from the ad, the system quickly analyzes the incoming data and finds the perfect offer. There is no waiting on the user’s side – right after the click they see the landing page of the right product.

The whole idea of the smartlink is that it has self-learning algorithms. The more traffic comes through the system, the more accurate it becomes with each new visit.

While working with smartlink you need to understand that the efficiency will get higher when the technology can optimize itself based on your traffic. The tool saves time on tests, but is efficient mainly by running mixed traffic in several GEOs.

One more important feature here is that managers monitor the work of smartlinks. You can go to the support team for the smartlink’s optimization, adding and deleting it from the offer as well as analyzing the distribution of traffic.

Smartlinks are actively used while working with dating, mobile apps, software, sweepstakes and finance.

You need to understand that if you already have a working bundle, switching to a smartlink can lower your efficiency for a bit. It happens simply because for tests and optimizing funnels to your traffic, the system needs to get more data.

So you should test smartlinks for at least 3-5 days and with budgets not less than $300-500 (if we talk about dating and sweepstakes) and more than $1,000 (if it’s crypto or gambling since the lead price is higher).

The use of this technology is justified if you have mixed traffic: with different GEOs and parameters that you cannot control. It can be:

  • SEO-traffic – if you have a website in English and people from different countries know the language, then a smartlink is the perfect solution so that you don’t lose users;
  • Wide targeting – while launching funnel in several GEOs; 
  • Buying banners on content websites – as with SEO-traffic, you won’t lose conversions and get the best out of the placement;
  • Free traffic – if you create and upload dozens of videos on TikTok, you can’t control where in the world it will pick up, so a smartlink in bio will help monetize all users by finding the most relevant offers. 

While working with Facebook, Google or other source where there are settings for targeting 1 GEO, smartlink might not work as well as a direct link does. You can try testing a set of offers for one particular GEO in your smartlink and might find a working format. For example, if the GEO has problems with payments, smartlink will save your money by redirecting your traffic to working products.

Some publishers work with dating apps with smartlinks using Google or UAC. Universal App Campaigns also have a big potential.

Our smartlink can be used for WW traffic from any device. The algorithm is set for maximum EPC – in rotation you’ll have offers with software, sweepstakes, dating, mobile apps and finance. 

Smartlink monetizes effectively push and pop traffic, in-app, redirecting. To achieve better results we recommend to get at least 50,000+ views every day for 2-3 days.

Smartlink is designed for big traffic volumes. The more visitors go through it, the more offers get hooked and the higher the CR gets. Zeydoo managers can always help with setting up the link and will give their advice on what offers to choose to start working with directly right after tests.

So, prepare your budget, register in Zeydoo and write to our managers if you want to work with a smartlink. We’ll help set up the campaigns and launch traffic today, so tomorrow you have your first profit. 

Follow our Telegram chat where we share lists of top offers, insights on traffic for dating offers, utilities, lead generation and other verticals as well as tips on how to increase your profit.

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