New payout models: how to earn more with Hybrid

hybrid payout model

For all our Smart Survey & Rewardis offers we implemented a while ago a special mechanism called the “Hybrid capping model”.

“Hybrid capping model” means that your rate will be fixed until you reach a daily limit per geo. As soon as you reach it, the rate is switched to RevShare and becomes dynamic (which means you don’t have to stop traffic once you reach the limit set by the advertiser). 

This allows you to scale your traffic volume quicker and you don’t lose the payout for users over the limit. And now we have a new feature that will let you drive even more traffic!

In addition to daily limits per GEO you will have a Total Hybrid Cap – a hybrid daily limit per GEO that will apply to all traffic to all Smart Survey & Rewardis offers.

Total Hybrid Cap works alongside the Hybrid Cap for offer and gives you the opportunity to grow even faster! Let’s have a look at how it will work and why it will be useful.

How does Total Hybrid Cap work? 

“Total Hybrid Cap” means a fixed CPL payout until you reach the cap limit. Now we have 2 types of caps working simultaneously: 

  • TOTAL HYBRID DAILY CAP per GEO works with traffic from a certain GEO that you send in a day to all Smart Survey offers. The default amount of TOTAL HYBRID is $700/GEO for all Smart Surveys.
  • OFFER-LEVEL HYBRID DAILY CAP (this type of cap remains unchanged) works with traffic from a certain GEO sent in a day to a specific offer with the cap. 

It’s important that:

  1. TOTAL CAP applies to the traffic from a certain GEO that was sent to all Smart Survey offers by you that day and works with specific offers’ caps.  
  2. For specific GEOs the TOTAL amount can be increased. 
  3. All current hybrid caps on the offer’s level (including custom) remain unchanged and work simultaneously with the TOTAL cap. This is why you don’t need to worry about the limits to the already launched campaigns. 

Once the payout model switches to Hybrid, up till the end of the day (EST time zone) your earnings will be counted with the RevShare model and depend on the profitability of your traffic. 

Why is Total Hybrid Cap great?

Let’s say you work with GH sending traffic to several Smart Survey offers at the same time: 

  • 2025 offer with offer-level cap $500/GH
  • 2755 offer with offer-level cap $100/GH

TOTAL HYBRID CAP for all Survey Offers together is $700. 

And we start a new XXXX Public offer with no offer-level cap for GH (that you can easily get in SSP with no requests and approval from your manager and test it)

Then your rate becomes dynamic on all offers and you switch to RevShare when:

  • 2025 offer – as soon as you earn $500 in GH on this offer (the same as it was) or as soon as you earn $700 in GH on all offers (whichever comes first)
  • 2755 offer – as soon as you earn $100 in GH on this offer (the same as it was) or as soon as you earn $700 in GH on all offers (whichever comes first)
  • XXXX offer – as soon as you earn $700 in GH on all offers

This means that the caps on all current offers are not changed and you get the opportunity to test new offers and find working bundles!

And we’re working on introducing new things! You will be able to try new Public offers that are easy to test without any approval from the manager!

Can I ask for a custom Total Hybrid Cap increase?

Of course! If you want to have extended caps, we’re always ready to discuss it – get in touch with your personal manager or support team. 

The new default TOTAL HYBRID DAILY CAP is $700/GEO limit.

The most important things about Total Hybrid Cap:

In conclusion, let’s revise the most important points about Total Hybrid Cap: 

  1. If you’re already working with Hybrid limits – they stay the same and will not be changed. 
  2. New total daily limits per GEO work for all traffic coming from a certain GEO that you sent to all Smart Surveys that day. 
  3. Hybrid limits allow you to keep monetizing your traffic with RevShare when the cap given by the advertiser is over. 
  4. Soon we’ll introduce new Smart Surveys to the public that you will easily test out without any additional approval from the manager!

If you still have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask our support team or your personal manager for help. We’ll be happy to answer all of your questions!

Work with Smart Surveys & Rewardis and make even more profit! Earn with our exclusive products without high competition, but with high ROI.

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